Wednesday, October 19, 2011

October Trib Trip

We embarked on our yearly journey North on Sunday Oct 9th in search of lake run Trout and Salmon. It was a little early for Trout action in my opinion, and boy was I wrong!
We started our trip on the biggest Lake Erie tributary in NY. We fished there 3 days, all of which were beautiful weather, and some productive fishing. We met some nice folks from Canada and shared a few beverages a couple of the days. It was an awesome time with unbelieveable sights. We stayed those nights in a friend's camper along the Lake Erie shoreline. There were beautiful sunsets every night which was more than we could have asked for.
Then, we made our way up further to the Lake Ontario Tributarties. There was a good bit of King Salmon (Chinook), but I really like to fish for the browns. Just so happened that there was a great early run of mostly male Brown Trout. I was totally pumped! We fished 2 streams while up there, 1 of which was too loaded with grass for us so we didn't fish it long. Good thing the stream we fished the most had more Trout than Salmon present for the first 4 days. We all caught a bunch of fish. We also met some great folks and had a lot of laughs as well. It was a great time had by all. Awesome friends, food, drink, stories, fish and fun to be remembered for the rest of our lives. Enjoy the pictures!

The view from our cottage.

Someone wanted to fish so bad that they drove their rig, and parked it right in the fisherman's parking lot!

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